
Cloud-Biometric Authentication Fortifies FIDO’s Multi-Device Credentials

For decades, knowledge-based login credentials became a primary tool for protecting various digital platforms' accounts. Countless industries have used passwords worldwide to allow their consumers to quickly log in and gain access to their accounts when they need to. But the over-reliance on passwords for cybersecurity has also made them more vulnerable and prone to attacks in recent years. With traditional tricks and sophisticated technology, bad actors commit password-related crimes in many ways. This has led to the constant increase in identity theft cases every year as countless companies are yet to improve their online security measures. Investing in advanced identity...

What Security Measures Can a Company Take to Prevent a Hack?

Cybersecurity is among the top issues companies face when using digital technologies in business operations. It is essential that protecting companies from such attacks against cybersecurity entails understanding vulnerabilities and implementing strong authentication and security measures such as passwordless authentication. Building a solid cybersecurity strategy is vital for protecting company resources and customer data in the long run. Today, many organizations and enterprises use digital systems to automate their processes and increase productivity. Digitalization of their process offers new opportunities and capabilities that can be valuable in the growth of a business in the market. It allows companies to improve...

8 Ways to Help Remote Students With Limited Internet Access

Since the Covid-19 pandemic, seeking education has become extremely challenging for many students. On the other hand, it has introduced new ways to learn remotely without leaving the comfort of your home. While many students enjoyed their remote learning experience, some students faced a lot of difficulties due to limited access to the internet. With school closures, people are eager to know new ways for seamless remote learning. We have curated a list of 8 cost-effective ways to allow virtual learning without paying a hefty price: Regular Contact Since students can’t meet each other in person every day, the internet...